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Une famille chez un dentiste

Post-operative Advice


Following a dental restoration, it is normal to feel sensitivity to hot or cold in the treated tooth. It may last from a few days to a few weeks depending on the case. The gums around the tooth and the anesthetic area may also be sensitive. Taking painkillers (Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin, ...) helps during the first few days if the sensitivity is more important.


Avoid eating food that is too hard, too cold or too hot (coffee or ice cream) 24 hours after the operation.


If when you eat, you feel that the treated tooth does not close well with the other teeth and you do not feel any pain, do not hesitate to call us for an adjustment of the tooth.


If you experience pain when eating on the restored tooth, call your dentist for follow-up. 


If the restoration was known to be deep: The dentist will have warned you of the possibility that the tooth in question may require a root canal. Regular follow-up (every 6 months) is recommended to test the tooth and monitor the healing process. If the tooth suddenly becomes very sensitive to cold, hurts when chewing and develops acute pain episodes, even at night, or if you have swelling, consult us as soon as possible.


Contact us with any questions at Centre Dentaire Familial Bui 450-462-3368, it will be our pleasure to help you.

Un père et son fils se brossent les dents


Take the prescribed medication as needed and follow the instructions for use.


Do not spit, do not use a straw, do not smoke, do not engage in strenuous physical activity, and do not drink alcohol for 24 hours following the surgery.


Gentle brushing is recommended for the first 24 hours following treatment. Afterward, you will resume your usual hygiene care.


After 24 hours, rinse your mouth with lightly salted water 2 to 3 times a day for the two days following the surgery or as needed.


Bite into the cotton ball (or a tea bag) for 30 minutes following the procedure until the bleeding stops. Change the cotton if necessary.


To avoid swelling, it is suggested to apply ice compresses for 10 minutes followed by a 10-minute break, and so on for about an hour.


Do not spit, do not use a straw, do not smoke, do not engage in strenuous physical activity, and do not drink alcohol for 24 hours following surgery.


Do not rinse or gargle your mouth with water or mouthwash for 24 hours.


Take the prescribed medication as needed, following the instructions for use.


A soft diet and gentle brushing are recommended.

After 24 hours, rinse the mouth with lightly salted water 2 to 3 times a day for the two days following the surgery or as needed.

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